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Newmind Network for Mental Health Technology

The EPSRC funded NewMind network explored the potential for technology to transform the management & treatment of mental health conditions, whilst seeking to address underlying Engineering and Physical Science (EPS) research challenges.

The network, which was coordinated by Digital Futures, began as a partnership between EPS researchers (initially from the Universities of Manchester, Nottingham, Sheffield, Lancaster and York), and the NIHR funded MindTech Healthcare Technology Cooperative.

It subsequently grew to cover over 400 members across a range of EPS, Clinical and research disciplines, industry partners, charities, and patient and service user representatives, from multiple institutions and organisations.

How NewMind worked 

Workshops provided the main mechanism for community building and delivery of NewMind objectives. These are centred around three main kinds of session designed to develop initial ideas into full research projects:

Healthcare: Exploring Clinical Needs & Developing Scenarios
These involved a broad range of stakeholders (clinicians, researchers, industry, health/social care, patients), each focusing on specific areas of clinical need. They helped researchers understand clinical need and allowed patients and other stakeholders to develop scenarios for technology interventions.

EPS: Identifying EPS research challenges & developing a Roadmap
These involved EPS Researchers and key clinical stakeholders. Designed to identify the EPS research needed to underpin technology intervention scenarios identified in the plenary workshops, these workshops helped to organise output into a prioritised roadmap.

Proposal Development / Sandpit Workshops
Involving both EPS researchers and clinical stakeholders, these sessions helped frame targeted research proposals, developing on the road-mapping activity.

Image NewMind Diagram