Find out about projects in the Createch theme.
The Multilingual Museum
In the Multilingual Museum project, Manchester Museum partners with Multilingual Manchester to promote inclusion and accessibility and mobilise pride in the city's linguistic diversity.
Manchester Digital Collections
The University has made a major investment in the research infrastructure for digital humanities and digital cultural heritage - the Manchester Digital Collections.
Genealogies of Knowledge
This project explores how key cultural concepts have evolved since they first emerged, and how translation has affected our ever-evolving understanding of them.
Mapping: Culture and Geographical Information Science (MCGIS) research group
The MCGIS research group seeks to facilitate collaboration between colleagues with research interests from a variety of geographical sub-disciplines that involve GIS and mapping.
Seeing the Invisible at John Rylands Library
Multispectral imaging was used by an interdisciplinary team to bring an ancient text, the Syriac Galen Palimpsest, to life in this 2019-20 exhibition at the John Rylands Library.
AI and Arts, Culture & Creativity Research
Technologies in Data Science and AI are providing access to cultural heritage, creating new cultural experiences, offering new ways to respond to key research questions.
Unsupervised Machine Learning for Music Working Group
Unsupervised is a new concert series created by the Machine Learning for Music (ML4M) Working Group
Our Heritage, Our Stories
Our Heritage, Our Stories is one strand of the Towards a National Collection programme, that aims to take the first steps towards creating a unified virtual national collection.